Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dinner report: Teapot Vegetarian House

Roll Call: Walaka, Yojimbo, Dingo, Merry, Neds
No shows: Sylvio, Erico
Veggie percentage: 100

Yojimbo got there first and took someone else's reserved table for nine; he must have heard about the last turnout! We sorted that out and were joined by Merry and Dingo, who had been walking Cap Hill, and Neds, who had been napping. Sylvio send a text message with regrets. The food was great, as usual; I didn't have either the soup or the Bobo, but we did get potstickers for appetizers. Dingo had something with three kinds of mushroom and noodles and ate every molecule; Merry had something purple. After the meal, we adjourned to the Victrola for more convo and a video-visit from Otis in Hawai'i. We broke up around sunset to head our separate ways.

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